App is temporary FREE

Starting December 26, 2024, Google Play indefinitely suspends the service of sellers from Russia. This means that you will not be able to purchase a license after this date. I am opening full access to all functions for all users for the time necessary to solve the problem with accepting payments. Update the app to the current version.


Last updated: Nov 12th, 2021


Has the application become paid?


Since version 4.3.0 of the application, the premium method is used as an image processing method. Premium features add a notification line to the printout that a free version is being used. All free features in the app are saved. Enter the settings and change as shown in the video. In 2019, the list of free features was supplemented with the following features:

  • Specifying a command for the printer cutter;
  • Automatic printing of date and time;
  • Image orientation selection;
  • Invert colors to print drawings (white changes to black).

YouTube: Graphics conversion


Can you increase the size of the letters on the printout?

There are two types of printing implementation for Android applications.

  • In the first case, you prepare the document and pre-select the size of the paper on which you want to print. The application accesses its server and receives from it an PDF file that will be sent to the printer. Increase the letters in the finished document can not be.
    Recommendation: Choose the smallest available paper size in the application and / or increase the letter size.

  • The second method is implemented by browsers. They are guided by the paper size chosen in the driver and create a PDF for a specific choice.
    My application in any case prints the page as a picture with the width specified in the settings.
    For greater sharpness, the default paper size corresponds to a width that is equal to the number of dots at 72dpi.
    But there are three paper sizes with a fixed width (2,3.4 inches).
    The largest letters are obtained when choosing the width of 58mm. Smallest for paper sizes without millimeters in title.
    Recommendation: Try a 58mm paper size.

Error Prepare preview (Menyiapkan pratinja ..) not end

Update Chrome!! A mistake was made in the version Google Chrome published on October 22. It is fixed 0ct 31,2019 (ver 78.0.3904.90)

In such situations, to determine who is to blame, remove my driver. Try whether the error will be reproduced with others drivers.


How input ESC commands ?

Commands are entered as a sequence of bytes separated by semicolons.

Bytes can be written in the following formats:

  • 00-FF - Two hexadecimal digits. Allowed 0-9,A-F or a-f.
  • ASCII control characters (character code 0-31, 0x00-0x1f) can be specified as a mnemonic.See image below.
  • Printed ASCII characters (character code 33-126), in addition to a space, can be entered as is.


ESC;@;ESC;t;11 - Initialize the printer. Select the code page of the printer #17. This initialization makes the application.
or as hex 1B;40;1B;74;11

Why do I need a field after default init print job?

1. Select international characters (ESC R n)

pdf ESC/POS Command Manual

2. Select codepage for STAR
ESC;@;ESC;GS;t;01 - Undo default initialization. And do custom init;

3. Customize the printer as you need.

How to add a paper cut?

The most common command GS;V;1 (1d;56;31)

You can add the desired number of blank lines to scroll the paper under the knife. (LF;LF;GS;V;1) or or use the advanced version of the command (GS;V;m;n).
m = 66 = 42h;
n - vertical motion unit.

Please, see manual for you printer.

I can not buy and test all models of printers.

If you send other useful initialization options, I will post them on this page.

Cost of service: What commands do I need to input

Gift me the device you want to set up, and pay $ 10 / byte for the resulting initialization sequence.

Purchasing a license

a) Removes the text PostScript on the receipt for premium features
b) you can change the logo in the header of the receipt
c) you can configure more than one directory for the AutoPrint function
d) all data is Output (instead of half) in the virtual printer logs
e) you can disable the frame For the created preview image of the virtual receipt appearance and share the image without it

Premium features
a) work in print service mode
b) Print PDF files
c) when printing images, only the threshold method is free . dithering and other algorithms-premium

The application does not have its own license verification server. It uses the standard in-app purchase mechanism provided by Google. Purchases are synced by Google itself between your devices. Since I didn't do my own verification implementation, it turned out that the license works on all your devices.

If you paid from your phone and your card was already linked, the license is activated in 7 minutes. Google sends an email with the purchase code . the code is usually GPA-xxxxx-xxx-xxx If you received such an email, the app should have seen the payment by now.

Go to the Menu - License

If everything is fine, then it should be written premium version and up to what time

If you paid from a computer or on another phone, the information can be synchronized by Google with a delay of 3 hours to a day. I can't get involved in this. For information, I contact the service provided by the Play Market app for other apps on my phone.

If you have multiple Google Play accounts on your phone, make sure that the app is installed on behalf of the same account that the purchase was made from. I recommend making a purchase when the phone is connected to wifi and it is desirable to be on a charge, after making a payment in the near future, stay in the zone of confident Internet reception. Unfortunately, for every 100 purchases, there is at least one delay in receiving information about the fact of successful payment.

Here are some tips that can help you avoid waiting 3-25 hours:

Method one

1) Restart your phone
2) Check that the Internet is working. Go to any site in the browser
3) Launch the Play Market app and wait 1-2 minutes for it to sync purchases with Google's servers
4) Launch RawBT. Go to License. Click " Check license status"

Method two

1) Remove The RawBt
2) Restart your phone
3) Install the app again

One of the reasons for the problem with licenses is too aggressive policy of phone manufacturers to save battery power . A third-party app for me, Play Market, may miss an instant notification for some reason, and background data syncing with Internet access is limited to save battery power

I paid for the license, but it still displays on the printout ** Personal use only **

  • 1.In the main menu, select "License".
  • 2. On the license tab, click "..." in the upper-right corner.
  • 3. Click "Refresh"
  • 4. Wait a bit
Read above

Why are there no purchase options on the License page?

  • 1. For you country not allowed purhases.
  • 2. Any problems or settings (for example: parental control) prohibiting purchases of your account.
  • 3. No internet. Unable to get the cost of licenses.

What do if you ATM has been decline ?

There are no alternative ways to purchase a license.

Monetization. Developer Policy Center

In-store purchases: Developers charging for apps and downloads from Google Play must use Google Play’s payment system.
link Developer Policy Center

Violation of this item may be the reason for the removal of the application. You can of course give examples of applications that do not follow this rule. But I am inclined to believe that this is simply not a refinement of the moderators, and not permission to do so.